
To build your site

Web Creation

Rp 8,000,000 - Rp 10,000,000

Exclusively designed for you, no headache process, fixed-range cost

Tailor-made layout
Unlimited request
Tailor-made style
Unlimited request
Tailor-made feature
Unlimited request
Custom email domain
Unlimited request (webmail)
Email marketing system (leads generation)
Yes (Brevo)
Hosting & domain
Yes (Independent Analytics/ Google Analytics & Heatmaps)
Web Style Guide
Client’s Guideline
Training Session
Client portal
Yes (ClickUp)
Update & backup
Yes (Biweekly)
Error fixing
Yes (regular queue)
Copywriting & imagery
Year-end Performance Report
Yes (1st year)
Project duration (days, phases)
Based on discussion, 5-phases
  • Setup payment (PayPal, Stripe)
  • Setup e-commerce system
  • Unlimited daily sending for email marketing system (Brevo paid plan)
  • Chatbot system (Brevo paid plan)
  • Advance & unlimited heatmaps capability (Hotjar paid plan)
  • Advance analytics (Independent Analytics paid plan

You need to

  • have access to the website, and hosting account; or
  • be able to communicate with the developer who built the site

Web in a Week


For you who urgently need a strategic & high quality website in a dedicated week

Tailor-made layout
Unlimited request
Tailor-made style
Unlimited request
Tailor-made feature
Unlimited request
Custom email domain
Unlimited request (webmail)
Email marketing system (lead gen)
Yes (Brevo)
Hosting & domain
Yes (Independent Analytics/ Google Analytics & Heatmaps)
Web Style Guide
Client’s Guideline
Training Session
Client portal
Yes (ClickUp)
Update & backup
Yes (Biweekly)
Error fixing
Yes (regular queue)
Copywriting & imagery
Year-end Performance Report
Yes (1st year)
Project duration (days, phases)
7 days
  • Setup payment (PayPal, Stripe)
  • Setup content paywall (pay per content)
  • Extensive UX Research (only for Web Revamp package)
  • Unlimited daily sending for email marketing system (Brevo paid plan)
  • Chatbot system (Brevo paid plan)
  • Advance & unlimited heatmaps capability (Hotjar paid plan)
  • Advance analytics (Independent Analytics paid plan

You need to

  • have access to the website, and hosting account; or
  • be able to communicate with the developer who built the site
  • You need to already “understand” of your audience in order to replace the UX Research

Web Revamp


For our existing client who need a total revamp based on Extensive UX Research

Tailor-made layout
Unlimited request
Tailor-made style
Unlimited request
Tailor-made feature
Unlimited request
UX Research
Extensive UX Research
Hosting & domain
Web Style Guide
Client’s Guideline
Training Session
Client portal
Yes (ClickUp)
Update & backup
Yes (Biweekly)
Error fixing
Yes (regular queue)
Copywriting & imagery
  • Setup payment (PayPal, Stripe)
  • Setup content paywall (pay per content)
  • Website info (like descriptors: e.g. service description, etc.). We will still provide copy recommendation where you edit later on
  • Website visual (like background image in hero section). We will still provide visual recommendation where you edit later on
  • Paid research tools & respondent incentives
  • Unlimited daily sending for email marketing system (Brevo paid plan)
  • Chatbot system (Brevo paid plan)
  • Advance & unlimited heatmaps capability (Hotjar paid plan)

To manage your site

Web Management

Rp 2,500,000

Handling your site for 1 month to save your time

‘Style’ changes
Unlimited request
‘Layout’ changes
Unlimited request
‘Feature’ changes
Unlimited request
Error fixing
Yes (prioritized)
Moderating website
Web performance report

No minimum month. You can purchase this service when really need to.

Dare to compare?

Let's compare with typical agencies

Hosting & Domain

Building website with us (Web Creation package) comes with free & dedicated hosting & domain for 1 year.

After 1 year:
Domain: Depend on the extension (For ".com", US$20)
Hosting: US$150 (Hostinger - business plans)

Copywriting (& imagery)

General copywriting & imagery
We will do the copy & image for the entire site based on the research findings, our interpretation of your business/ vision, and your direction.

Copy and images that comes from you
Upload them to Google Drive (e.g. service terms and condition, 1:1 consulting details, team portraits, office images, etc.)
*if copy & image is not ready, we will use a placeholder text (e.g. “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet”)

For copy that needs your guidance
We’ll discuss it as we progressing (e.g. copy in sales page, copy for service description, etc.)

Those text can be changed later on

UX Research

Essential UX Research

  • User survey
  • Usability testing
  • Competitor benchmarking
  • Heuristic Evaluation

Extensive UX Research (Only for Web Revamp package)

  • User survey
  • Usability testing
  • Competitor benchmarking
  • Heuristic Evaluation
  • User interview
  • Diary Study
  • A/B Testing
  • Heatmap analysis

'Layout' & 'Feature' Changes

Unlimited request; 1 request at a time

Error Fixing

As a Web Management buyer, we will fix the error on your site without queue (prioritized).

Take benefits as a buyer
Take the benefit as Web Management buyer by requesting 'style', 'layout', & 'feature' changes. You'll get the professional touch & reducing error possibility when making DIY edits.

Regular Update

Some different parts of the site required to keep being updated. We will be updating the site right away as the new update released.

(For non buyer, we also do update but in biweekly timeframe instead)

Moderating Website

If your site built with comment feature for blog post, or you're selling online course, have bunch of freebies, we will help you managing those stuff. We do upload, delete, moderate comment, etc.

Web Performance Report

Your site is equipped with analytics & heatmap tools. The Web Performance Report will show you the data from both tools.

This is useful for you to learn what's happening with the site, and what changes needs to be done.

*Web Performance Report data will be retrieved and sent to you at the end of the month (30/31) or at the end of your Web Management period.